Tatjana Tomovic

Assistant Professor
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Kragujevac
Serbia and Montenegro

Professor Mathematics

 She is working as assistant professor at the University of Kragujeavc, Serbia.

Research Intrest

Numerical analysis and theory of approximations

List of Publications
MP Stanić, AS Cvetković, TV Tomović: Error estimates for quadrature rules with maximal even trigonometric degree of exactness, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas, Fis. Nat. Ser. A. Mat. RACSAM 108 (2014), 603-615.
TV Tomovic, MP Stanic: Quadrature rules with an even number of multiple nodes and a maximum trigonometric degree of exactness , FILOMAT 29 (10) (2015) 2239-2255.
MP Stanic, TV Tomovic: Multiple orthogonality in the space of trigonometric polynomials of a semi-integer degree, FILOMAT 29 (10) (2015) 2227-2237.