Tariq Mahmood

Associate Professor
Plant Sciences
Quaid-i-Azam University

Professor Biochemistry

Tariq Mahmood obtained his Ph.D from University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi, Pakistan. He currently holds as an Associate Professor and Chairperson in Department of Plant Sciences at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. His research focus mainly on Cloning of genes, cDNAs and regulatory elements and their applications, Molecular virology, Molecular markers, Phytochemistry, Bioinformatics; applications.

Research Intrest

Cloning of genes, cDNAs and regulatory elements and their applications, Molecular virology, Molecular markers, Phytochemistry, Bioinformatics; applications

List of Publications
H. Salahuddin, Q. Mansoor, R. Batool, A.A. Farooqi, T. Mahmood, M. Ismail (2016). Anticancer activity of Cynodon dactylon and Oxalis corniculata on Hep2 cell line. Cell and Molecular Biology 62 (5): 60-63.
 F. Munir, S. Hayashi, J. Batley, S. M.S. Naqvi, T. Mahmood (2016). Germin-like protein 2 gene promoter from rice is responsive to fungal pathogens in transgenic potato plants. Functional and Integrative Genomics 16: 19-27.
A. Rasheed, X.C. Xia, T. Mahmood, H. Bux, U.M. Quraishi, Z. Mahmood, J.I. Mirza, A. Mujeeb-Kazi, Z.H. He (2016). Comparison of alleles at economically important loci in wheat landraces and cultivars from Pakistan. Crop Science 56(1): 287-301

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry