GIBREEL, TARIG M. (2012). Crop commercialization and adoption of gum-arabic agroforestry and their effect on farming system in western Sudan. JOURNAL OF AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS. DOI: 10.1007/s10457-012-9552-2. Print ISSN: 0167-4366. Online ISSN: 1572-9680. Springer Netherlands. Online at:
MARC COTTER, KARIN BERKHOFF, TARIG GIBREEL, ABDOLBASET GHORBANI, REZA GOLBONA, ERNST-AUGUST NUPPENAUC, & JOACHIM SAUERBORNA. (2013). Designing a sustainable land use scenario based on a combination of ecological assessments and economic optimization. Ecol. Indicat. (2013), ECOIND-1440; No. of Pages9.
GIBREEL, TARIG M., SYLVIA HERRMANN, KARIN BERKHOFF AND ERNST-AUGUST NUPPENAU (Accepted in 10 September 2013). Farm types as an interface between an agroeconomical model and CLUE-Naban land change model: Application for scenario modeling. Ecol. Indicat. (2013). ECOIND1666. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.09.009.