Barry University
United States of America


Dr. Tal Amasay joined the Barry University College of Nursing and Health Sciences faculty in 2009 and currently serves as Coordinator of the Physical Education and Coaching program. He received his B.Ed. in Physical Education from Zinman College at Wingate Institute, Israel. He received his M.Sc. in Movement Science from Saint Cloud State University at Minnesota and his Ph.D. in Human Physiology, with emphasis in Biomechanics, from the University of Oregon. His teaching experience includes various undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of exercise science, fitness/wellness, and physical education such as Biomechanics, Strength Training and Conditioning, Motor Learning, Test and Measurement, Exercise Physiology, Wellness and Fitness Promotion, and Methodology for Physical education. Dr. Amasay's primary research interests include, but are not limited, investigating shoulder kinematics and musculoskeletal disorders in different occupational settings, strength training and conditioning specifically power output and plyometrics, and fitness testing. Dr. Amasay's research has been published internationally in scientific journals such as Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, and International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Click on the links below to see some of his articles.

Research Intrest

shoulder kinematics and musculoskeletal disorders

List of Publications
Amasay T. Static block jump techniques in volleyball: Upright versus squat starting positions. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2008 Jul 1;22(4):1242-8.
Amasay T, Zodrow K, Kincl L, Hess J, Karduna A. Validation of tri-axial accelerometer for the calculation of elevation angles. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2009 Sep 30;39(5):783-9.
Hess JA, Kincl L, Amasay T, Wolfe P. Ergonomic evaluation of masons laying concrete masonry units and autoclaved aerated concrete. Applied Ergonomics. 2010 May 31;41(3):477-83.