Department of Soil Geography and Evolution
Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation


SYCHEVA SVETLANA completed Ph.D. and working as Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Soil Geography and Evolution.

Research Intrest

Paleogeography, paleopedology, paleogeomorphology, a specialist in the field of reconstruction of the evolution of local and regional geosystems in the Quaternary, the study of cultural layers as objects of geology, geography and soil science. Areas of operation: East-European plain, the Caspian-black sea region, the Central Mexican plateau.

List of Publications
Sycheva S., Khokhlova O. Genesis, 14C-age and duration of development of the Bryansk paleosols containing on the Central Russian upland on the basis of the Dating of different materials// Quaternary international, 2015.
Sycheva S.A., Bessudnov A.N., Chepalyga A.L., Sadchikova T.A., Sedov S.N., Simakova A.N., Bessudnov A.A. Divnogorie pedolitocomplex of the Russian plain: final Pleistocene sediments and environments based on Divnogorie 9 geoarchaeological site (the middle reaches of the don river) // Quaternary international, 2015.