Swarnali Acharyya

Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology & Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Oncology

Swarnali Acharyya, is an Assitant Professor with research interest which primary focus lies on two types of solid tumors - metastatic breast cancer and lung cancer.

Research Intrest

Metastatic breast cancer and lung cancer.

List of Publications
Acharyya S, Sharma SM, Cheng A, Ladner KJ, Wang H, et al.(2010) TNF inhibits Notch-1 in skeletal muscle by Ezh2 and DNA methylation mediated repression: implications in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. PLoS One 5: e12479.
Oskarsson T, Acharyya S, Zhang XHF, Vanharanta S, Tavazoie SF, et al.(2011) Breast cancer cells produce tenascin-C as a metastatic niche component to colonize the lungs. Nature Medicine 17: 867-874.
Acharyya S, Oskarsson T, Vanharanta S, Malladi S, Kim J, et al.(2012) A CXCL1 paracrine network links cancer chemoresistance and metastasis. Cell 150: 165-178