SUN Samuel Sai Man

SUN Samuel Sai Man
School of Life Sciences
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong


SUN Samuel Sai Man is an professor. 1973 Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison 1970 M.Phil. University of Hong Kong 1968 B.Sc. Sp. Hon., University of Hong Kong 1966 B.Sc. Cum laude, Chinese University of Hong Kong  

Research Intrest

Plant Molecular biology: plant gene structure, expression and regulation Plant and agriculural biotechnology: crop improvement on rice yield and nutritional quality and development of an efficient plant seed bioreactor including downstream purification of recombinant proteins

List of Publications
Sun SSM, Slightom JS, Hall TC (1981) Intervening sequence in a plant gene: comparison of the partial sequence of cDNA and genomic DNA of French bean phaseolin. Nature 289:37-41.
Sun SSM (2008) Application of agricultural biotechnology to improve food nutrition and healthcare products (Review Article). Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 17(S): 87-90.
Lau OS, Sun SSM (2009) Plant seeds as bioreactors for recombinant protein production. Biotech Advances (Invited Review) 27:1015-1022
Lau OS, Ng WK, Liu WL, Chang SP, Sun (2010) SSM: Production of the 42-kDa fragment of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1, a leading malaria vaccine antigen, in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. Plant Biotech J 8:994-100
Lam HM, Xu X, Liu X, Chen W, Yang GH, Wong FL, Li MW, He WM, Qin N, Wang B, Li J, Jian M, Wang J, Shao GH, Wang J, Sun SSM, Zhang GY (2010) Resequencing of 31 wild and cultivated soybean genomes identifies patterns of genetic diversity and selection. Nat Genet 42:1053-1059.

Global Scientific Words in Agri and Aquaculture