Sudhakar Kota

Skyline University College
United Arab Emirates

Professor Medical Sciences

Dr. Sudhakar Kota has 34 years of teaching experience in academics at various levels. During this period he has actively engaged himself in providing consultancy to corporates, training senior management and employees of various government and private sector organizations on organizational development.He has completed rural development projects sponsored by the ministry of rural development, Madhya Pradesh, India. Also done a project on customer satisfaction study on State Bank of India in comparison to nationalized commercial Banks in India.During this period he has a track record of active researcher by publishing papers and guided four Doctoral scholars, out of which one Ph.D is awarded and the second one is on the verge of submission.

Research Intrest

Also he is registered PhD board of panelists in various universities and has evaluated about four PhD thesis. He is on the panel of reviewers for Contemporary Management Research Journal and advisor to Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities published by Ganpat University.

Global Scientific Words in Medical Sciences