
Steven Markstrom,Research Hydrologist National Research Program

Research Intrest

groundwater flow hydrology runoff streamflow water circulation

List of Publications
Fulton, J.W., Risser, D.W., Regan, R.S., Walker, J.F., Hunt, R.J., Niswonger, R.G., Hoffman, S.A., and Markstrom, S.L., 2015, Water-budgets and recharge-area simulations for the Spring Creek and Nittany Creek Basins and parts of the Spruce Creek
McCabe, G.J., Hay, L.E., Bock, Markstrom, S.L., and Atkinson, R.D., 2015, Inter-annual and spatial variability of Hamon potential evapotranspiration model coefficients: Journal of Hydrology, v. 521, p. 389–394.
Markstrom, S.L., Regan, R.S., Hay, L.E., Viger, R.J., Webb, R.M.T., Payn, R.A., and LaFontaine, J.H., 2015, PRMS-IV, the precipitation-runoff modeling system, version 4: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chap. B7, 158 p.