Steve Groom

Head of Science
Environmental Science
Plymouth University
United Kingdom


Mr Steve Groom is a Head of Science at PML, leading the Earth Observation science and applications area which focuses on the science and application of remote sensing to observe and understand coastal and marine processes and to validate and support model predictions.

Research Intrest

Near-real time and operational Earth observation, biological processes in the eastern Mediterranean, coccolithophore blooms, harmful algal blooms, airborne remote sensing, web-based visualisation and integration of data.

List of Publications
Martinez-Vicente V, Tilstone G, Sathyendranath S, Miller P & Groom S (2012) Contributions of phytoplankton and bacteria to the optical backscattering coefficient over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 445, 37-51.
de Jesus J, Walker P, Grant M & Groom S(2012) WPS orchestration using the Taverna workbench: The eScience approach. Computers & Geosciences, 47, 75-86.
Schmidt S, Harlay J, Borges AV, Groom S, Delille B, et al (2013) Particle export during a bloom of Emiliania huxleyi in the North-West European continental margin. Journal of Marine Systems, 14: 109-110.