Department of Psychology
York University
United States of America
Dr. Fleming is a professor in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health, at York University in Toronto. The author of numerous book chapters, articles, and presentations on the grief experience of children, adolescence, and adults, he has lectured in Canada, the United States, South America, Asia, and Europe. In addition to teaching graduate and undergraduate courses on the Psychology of Death, Dr. Fleming has qualified as an expert witness in litigation involving trauma, and he has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Palliative Care and Death Studies.
adjustment to loss, particularly the grief of parents following the death of a child; the relationship between grief and trauma; meaning reconstruction when someone we love dies; distinguishing grief and major depressive disorder, and the role of counterfactual thinking in relieving suffering, preparing for the future, and enhancing the illusion of control in the aftermath of traumatic death