Stein Aerts

Electrical Engineering
Suny Downstate Medical Center


PhD: Dept. of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KULeuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2004 Postdoc: VIB-KULeuven, Belgium, 2004-09 Visiting postdoc: Inst. for Developmental Biol., Luminy, Marseille, France, 2006 KULeuven Professor since 2009 VIB Group leader since September 2016

Research Intrest

Bioinformatics Cancer Neuroscience Systems biology

List of Publications
Naval-Sánchez M, Potier D, Haagen L, Sanchez M, Van De Sande B, Casares F, Christiaens V, Aerts S GENOME RESEARCH, 23, 74-88, 2013
Potier D, Davie K, Hulselmans G, Naval Sanchez M, Haagen L, Huynh-Thu V, Koldere D, Celik A, Geurts P, Christiaens V, Aerts S Cell Reports, 9, 2290-303, 2014
Davie K* Jacobs J* Atkins M Potier D Christiaens V Halder G Aerts S PLoS Genetics, 11, e1004994, 2015
Verfaillie A* Imrichova H* Atak Z* Dewaele M Rambow F Hulselmans G Christiaens V Svetlichnyy D Luciani F Van Den Mooter L Claerhout S Fiers M Journe F Ghanem G Herrmann C Halder G Marine J Aerts S Nature Communications, 6, 6683, 2015
Verfaillie A, Svetlichnyy D, Imrichova H, Davie K, Kalender Atak Z, Hulselmans G, Christiaens V, Aerts S GENOME RESEARCH, 26, 882-95, 2016

Global Scientific Words in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology