Stefan Hohmann

Biology and Biological Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology

Professor Microbiology

Biography Dr. Stefan Hohmann, born 1956-09-08, married, household of seven persons, three generations, four children (born 92, 94, 98, 00), one grand child (born 13) Study of Biology 1978-83, Ph.D. 1987, Habilitation 1993, Professor 2001 Research areas: • Yeast genetics, molecular biology, microbiology, systems biology • Signal transduction and stress responses • Structure-function analysis of transport proteins • Application of yeast in synthetic biology, biotechnology Professional career: • Appointed professor in Molecular Microbial Physiology in 2001 • Offered and declined: chair in Eukaryotic Microbiology, Uppsala University, 2000 • 1999-2005 research professor of the Swedish Research Council at University of Gothenburg • 1996-1999 professor (temporary) at University of Gothenburg, Sweden, during 1998/99 also at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg • 1991, 1993 visiting professor at the University of the Orange Free State, South Africa • 1990-95 project leader at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium • 1986-90 post-doctoral researcher at the University of Darmstadt, Germany Scientific productivity • Ca 120 research papers in refereed journals and ca 25 review articles; H-index 45 • Editor of six scientific books/special issues and author of 21 book chapters • More than fifty invited contributions to national and international conferences • More than seventy lectures on invitation Teaching • Molecular microbiology, genetics, molecular biology, systems biology • Graduated 13 PhD students as supervisor • Out of ca 40 supervisied PhD students and post-docs, eleven hold positions as full or associate professor Co-ordinator of five EC-funded research and development projects and of five international training projects. Organiser of the 3rd International Conference on Aquaporins (2000), the XXI International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (2003), the International Conference on Systems Biology (2008) and the 35th FEBS Congress (2010) Chief Editor of Molecular Genetics and Genomics (2005-), Current Genetics (2001-2014) and Topics in Current Genetics (2002-) Chairman of Häcksjön Science Publishing AB and board member Cereduce AB (previously Gothia Yeast Solutions AB)

Research Intrest

Research areas: • Yeast genetics, molecular biology, microbiology, systems biology • Signal transduction and stress responses • Structure-function analysis of transport proteins • Application of yeast in synthetic biology, biotechnology