Simon Cooper

Professor of Acute/Emergency Care
University of Ballarat

Professor Nursing

Simon Cooper, is Professor of Acute/Emergency Care speacilised in Nursing at the University of Ballarat. He attained PhD, MEd, BA, RGN, FHEA. His teaching areas are Emergency/Acute care, Leadership and teamwork and Research methods.

Research Intrest

Patient safety The first hour of emergency care Leadership/Teamwork (non/technical skills) Education and clinical simulation Curricula design and innovative teaching approaches Clinical skills and assessment methods

List of Publications
Narayan K. Cooper S. Morphet J. Innes K. (2017) The effectiveness of paracetamol versus ibuprofen administration in febrile children: A systematic literature review. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Crawford J. Cooper S. Cant R. DeSouza R. The Impact of Walk-in Centres and GP Co-operatives on Emergency Department Presentations: A Systematic Review of the Literature. International Emergency Nursing.
Liaw SY. Cooper S et al. Designing and evaluating the effectiveness of a serious game for safe administration of blood transfusion: A randomized controlled trial.