Shuang Liang

Assistant Professor
Oral Immunology and Infectious Diseases
University of Louisville
United States of America


Shuang Liang working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Oral Immunology and Infectious Diseases.

Research Intrest

Periodontal disease, nanoparticles, NBD inhibitory peptides

List of Publications
Liang S, Hosur KB, Lu S, Nawar HF, Weber BR, Tapping RI, Connell TD, Hajishengallis G. Mapping of a microbial protein domain involved in binding and activation of the TLR2/TLR1 heterodimer. The Journal of Immunology. 2009 Mar 1;182(5):2978-85.
Liang S, Wang M, Tapping RI, Stepensky V, Nawar HF, Triantafilou M, Triantafilou K, Connell TD, Hajishengallis G. Ganglioside GD1a is an essential coreceptor for Toll-like receptor 2 signaling in response to the B subunit of type IIb enterotoxin. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2007 Mar 9;282(10):7532-42.
Liang S, Wang M, Triantafilou K, Triantafilou M, Nawar HF, Russell MW, Connell TD, Hajishengallis G. The A subunit of type IIb enterotoxin (LT-IIb) suppresses the proinflammatory potential of the B subunit and its ability to recruit and interact with TLR2. The Journal of Immunology. 2007 Apr 15;178(8):4811-9.
Nebane-Ambe LD. Sex-based Differences in Regulatory T Cells (Doctoral dissertation, University of Louisville).