Shu Tao

Ocean Science and Engineering 
Peking University


At present he is acting as Professor, Dean, College of Urban and Environ. Sci., Peking University and Member, Chinese Academy of Science.

Research Intrest

Urban and Environmental Sciences

List of Publications
Wang, R; Tao, S*; Wang, WT; Liu, JF; Shen, HZ; Shen, GF; Wang, B; Liu, XP; Li, W; Huang, Y; Zhang, YY; Lu, Y; Chen, H; Chen, YC; Wang, C; Zhu, D; Wang, XL; Li, BG; Liu, WX; Ma, JM, Black Carbon Emissions in China from 1949 to 2050, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2012, 46, 7595-7603
Shen, GF; Tao, S*; Wei, SY; Zhang, YY; Wang, R; Wang, B; Li, W; Shen, HZ; Huang, Y; Chen, YC; Chen, H; Yang, YF; Wang, W; Wang, XL; Liu, WX; Simonich, SLM, Emissions of Parent, Nitro, and Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Residential Wood Combustion in Rural China, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2012, 46, 8123-8130
Ding, JN; Zhong, JJ; Yang, YF; Li, BG; Shen, GF; Su, YH; Wang, C; Li, W; Shen, HZ; Wang, B; Wang, R; Huang, Y; Zhang, YY; Cao, HY; Zhu, Y; Simonich, SLM; Tao, S*, Occurrence and exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives in a rural Chinese home through biomass fuelled cooking, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2012, 169, 160-166