SHIU Alice

The Hong Kong Polytechnic university
Hong Kong


Dr. Shiu graduated from the University of New South Wales, Australia, with an Honours degree of Bachelor of Economics. She went straight from an Honours degree to doctoral study and obtained her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Economics in the same university. She was awarded the postgraduate scholarship for her doctoral study. Dr. Shiu worked as a part-time lecturer and tutor at School of Economics in University of New South Wales from 1996-1999. She started her academic career in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2000. In the same year, she was awarded the 2000 Nancy Ruggles Travel Grant to attend the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth 26th General Conference held in Cracow, Poland. Dr. Shiu’s current research interests focus on empirical examination of Hong Kong public policies. Her previous research interests include the measurement of efficiency and productivity in energy and telecommunications sectors in China and on the investigation of the relationship of growth in those sectors to China’s economic growth. Her research work has been presented in international conferences and published as book chapters and in refereed journals such as Applied Energy, Managerial and Decision Economics, Telecommunications Policy, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Review of Income and Wealth, Review of International Economics and others.

Research Intrest

1. Environmental and energy economics 2. International economics and development economics

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management