Sharon Hepburn

Associate Professor
Trent University


Professor Hepburn joined the department at Trent in 1995. She has studied at the University of Calgary (B.A. Anthropology), Cambridge (B.A. Social and Political Studies), McGill (M.A. Medical Anthropology), and Cornell (M.A. Anthropology and Asian Studies, Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology). She has spent altogether four years in Nepal studying tourism, the nature of vision, and ethnic politics, and how Nepali people understand the people, ideas, and products of "modernity." Her teaching and research interests include tourism(s), vision, South Asia (especially the Himalayas), death and (the idea of ) mortality.

Research Intrest

Culture and modernity in Nepal, tourism, interpretive anthropology, vision, Nepal, death.

List of Publications
Hepburn, Sharon. (2017). Western minds, foreign bodies : the anthropologist in third world health development
Hepburn, Sharon. (2002). Touristic forms of life in Nepal. Annals of Tourism Research. 29. 611-630. 10.1016/S0160-7383(01)00070-6.
Hepburn, Sharon. (2009). W. H. R. Rivers Prize Essay (1986): Western Minds, Foreign Bodies. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 2. 59 - 74. 10.1525/maq.1988.2.1.02a00040
Hepburn, Sharon. (2000). The Cloth of Barbaric Pagans: Tourism, Identity, and Modernity in Nepal. Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture. 4. 275-299. 10.2752/136270400778995453
Hepburn, Sharon. (2008). The Dangers of Foreign Bodies: Contamination of Travelers in and out of Nepal. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. 11. 191-206. 10.2752/175174408X317561.
Hepburn, Sharon. (2016). Ethnography and Harvard’s Sensory Ethnography Laboratory. The Senses and Society. 11. 232-236. 10.1080/17458927.2016.1195080.