Sergio A. Burgos

Assistant Professor
Animal Science
McGill University

Professor Nutrition

Sergio Burgos received a degree in Agronomy from the Panamerican School of Agriculture, before completing a Bachelor's Degree in Animal Science at the University of Florida. He obtained a Master's degree in Animal Science from the University of California at Davis and then a doctorate in Animal Science from the University of Guelph in 2009. He then joined the McGill Nutrition and Food Science Centre at the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, McGill University as a Postdoctoral Fellow. From 2012 to 2014, he was a Research Associate at the Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre. In 2015, he joined the Department of Animal Science at the Macdonald campus of McGill University as Assistant Professor in Animal Nutrition and Metabolism.

Research Intrest

Dr. Burgos's research program focuses on nutrient metabolism in relation to milk production, the health benefits of milk consumption, and the environmental impact of dairy production. The laboratory pursues an interdisciplinary approach that integrates traditional metabolic techniques with modern systems biology tools. The long-term goals of the laboratory are to develop nutritional strategies and technologies to enhance the sustainability of animal production and to generate animal-based products to improve human nutrition and health.

List of Publications
CDK4 regulates cancer stemness and is a novel therapeutic target for triple-negative breast cancer. Dai M1, Zhang C1, Ali A1, Hong X1, Tian J1, Lo C1, Fils-Aimé N1, Burgos SA2, Ali S1, Lebrun JJ1.
CDK4 regulates cancer stemness and is a novel therapeutic target for triple-negative breast cancer. Dai M1, Zhang C1, Ali A1, Hong X1, Tian J1, Lo C1, Fils-Aimé N1, Burgos SA2, Ali S1, Lebrun JJ1.
Insulin resistance of protein anabolism accompanies that of glucose metabolism in lean, glucose-tolerant offspring of persons with type 2 diabetes. Burgos SA1, Chandurkar V2, Tsoukas MA3, Chevalier S3, Morais JA3, Lamarche M3, Marliss EB3
Short communication: Urea hydrolysis in dairy cattle manure under different temperature, urea, and pH conditions. Moraes LE1, Burgos SA1, DePeters EJ1, Zhang R2, Fadel JG3.