Sergei L Kosakovsky Pond

Center for Data Analytics and Biomedical Informatics
Temple University
United States of America


Following formal undergraduate training in computer science (at Kiev State University, Ukraine), I received a PhD from the interdisciplinary program in Applied Mathematics at the University of Arizona. My theoretical graduate research into statistical methodology for evolutionary analyses of coding sequence alignments found an application in an HIV research group at UCSD, which I joined as a postdoctoral fellow in 2003. Until 2016, I was an associate professor in the Divisions of Infectious Diseases and Biomedical Informatics in the UCSD Department of Medicine. In addition, I am the director the Bioinformatics and Information Technologies Core at the UCSD Center of AIDS Research. In 2016, I joined the Institute for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine at Temple University.

Research Intrest

My research interest include developing models and computational approaches for comparative analysis of sequence data, especially large and rich data set from measurably evolving pathogens, such as HIV-1, Influenza A virus and Hepatitis C virus. My group has published a number of methodological and applied papers applying evolutionary algorithms and machine learning techniques to complex problems in sequence evolution, especially in the context of HIV population history, adaptation to new hosts, transmission, immune escape, and the development of drug resistance.

List of Publications
Kosakovsky Pond SL, Murrell B, Fourment M, Frost SD, Delport W, Scheffler K (2011) A random effects branch-site model for detecting episodic diversifying selection. Molecular biology and evolution 28:3033-3043.
Murrell B, Moola S, Mabona A, Weighill T, Sheward D, et al. (2013) FUBAR: a fast, unconstrained bayesian approximation for inferring selection. Molecular biology and evolution 30:1196-1205.
Lorenzo-Redondo R, Fryer HR, Bedford T, Kim EY, Archer J, et al. (2016) Persistent HIV-1 replication maintains the tissue reservoir during therapy. Nature 530:51.

Global Scientific Words in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology