Seppo Kaitala

Leading Research Scientist
Marine Research
The Finnish Institute of Marine Research


I have the Master degree in hydrobiology (1980) and PhD (1984). I hold a position of Adjunct Professor (docent) in aquatic ecology at the University of Helsinki since 1991. 

Research Intrest

Phytoplankton abundance and nutrient concentrations observed on board comercials ferries 

List of Publications
G Zibordi, JF Berthon, F Mélin, D D'Alimonte (2009) Validation of satellite ocean color primary products at optically complex coastal sites: Northern Adriatic Sea, Northern Baltic Proper and Gulf of Finland Remote Sensing of Environment 113: 2574-2591
G Zibordi, F Mélin, JF Berthon, B Holben, I Slutsker (2009) AERONET-OC: a network for the validation of ocean color primary products Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 26: 1634-1651
K Kivi, S Kaitala, H Kuosa, J Kuparinen, E Leskinen (1993) Nutrient limitation and grazing control of the Baltic plankton community during annual succession Limnology and Oceanography 38: 893-905