Scott A. Adler

Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
York University
United States of America

Professor Psychiatry

Scott A. Adler is the Associate professor of Psychology in York University, he has completed his PhD from Rutgers University, New Jersey, has authored and co-authored various research articles and his current research is in relation between visual, perceptual and cognitive processes in young infants' formation of future-oriented cognitive expectations for the spatial, temporal, and content information of visual events, and the interface between these expectations and memory processes. Development of infants' ability to selectively attend to singular items in visual arrays of multiple objects, including mechanisms for active inhibition. The development of object recognition and the processes involved in infants' control and execution of eye movements.

Research Intrest

relation between visual, perceptual and cognitive processes in young infants' formation of future-oriented cognitive expectations for the spatial, temporal, and content information of visual events, and the interface between these expectations and memory processes. 2.Development of infants' ability to selectively attend to singular items in visual arrays of multiple objects, including mechanisms for active inhibition. 3.The development of object recognition and the processes involved in infants' control and execution of eye movements

List of Publications
Adler S.A, Inslicht S, Rovee-Collier C , Gerhardstein P C (1998) Perceptual asymmetry and memory retrieval in 3-month-old infants Infant Behavior and Development 21:253-72.
Adler S.A, Gerhardstein P, Rovee-Collier C (1998) Levels-of-processing effects on infant memory? Child Development 69:280-94.
Adler S.A (1997) Selective integration of temporally distinct perceptual information in infant memory. Infant Behavior and Development 20:3-28.