Sarwat Jahan

Animal Sciences
Quaid-i-Azam University

Professor Molecular Biology

Sarwat Jahan obtained her graduation from Punjab University, Pakistan and post-graduation degree from Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan, and Ph.D. from University of Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan. She currently holds as a Professor and Chairman in Department of Animal Sciences at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. She has 17 Research paper published in well-known journals.

Research Intrest

cellular and molecular biology

List of Publications
Zehra Agha, Asif Mir and Sarwat Jahan (2010) Effect of single oral dose of melatonin on plasma concentration of prolactin and cortisol in male rhesus monkeys. Pakistan Journal of Physiology 6: 32-36.
Jahan, S., Ahmed, S., Taqvim, N. and Hizbullah (2010) Obestatin induces testosterone but not prolactin secretion in male Sprague Dawley rats. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 42: 836-839"
"Jahan, S., S. Rasool, M. A. Khan, M. Ahmad, M. Zafar, M. Arshad and A. M. Abbasi (2009) Antifertility effects of ethanolic seed extract of Abrus precatorius L.on sperm production and DNA integrity in adult male mice. Journnal of Medicinal Plant Research 3: 809-814. "