Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Integral University


Dr. Sandeep Gupta Joined Integral University as an Assistant Professor in the chemistry Department on July-2016. He obtained his Doctoral degree from, School of Materials Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology (B.H.U) Varanasi under the supervision of Professor Rajiv Prakash. His research interest basically includes the photochemical synthesis of metallic nanomaterials, electrochemistry and it’s various application i.e. electrolytic & galvanic Cell, electrodeposition, electroless plating, electro-catalysis, electrochemical storage battery, nanomaterials modified electrode, electrochemical sensors. Basically, He would like to come out with some product which have social impact on common people e.g. in area of sensing devices, battery for energy application, electro less thin film deposition which may help toward the solving energy crisis in the scientific society. He is very creative person and often think in a contemplative way about various issues of practical importance. His learning attitude makes him a quality researcher as well as a dynamic teacher. He always try to give best possible contribution to institution for bringing the institute at ladder less limit of excellence.

Research Intrest

nanomaterials, electrochemistry, electrolytic & galvanic Cell, electrodeposition, electroless plating, electro-catalysis, electrochemical storage battery, nanomaterials modified electrode, electrochemical sensors

List of Publications
Gupta S, Prakash R (2015) Photochemical Mediated Synthesis of Gold Colloid by Dithizone and its Application in the Amperometric Sensing of Thiocyanate doi: 10.1039/C5RA15251H, RSC Advances 5: 81660–81667
Gupta S, Prakash R (2014) Photochemical Assisted Formation of Silver Nanoparticles by Dithizone and its Application in Amperometric Sensing of Cefotaxime. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2: 6859–6866
Gupta S, Singh AK, Jain RK, Chandra R, Prakash R (2014) Phenothiazine-Capped Gold Nanoparticles: Photochemically Assisted Synthesis and Application in Electrosensing of Phosphate Ions. ChemElectroChem 1: 793–798