Samiullah Khan

Assistant Professor
Quaid-i-Azam University

Professor Microbiology

Samiullah Khan obtained his Ph.D and Postdoctorate from Sweden. He currently holds as an Assistant Professor in Department of Microbiology at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. His research interest mainly focus on Microbial production of industrially important metabolites with special focus on enzymes and metabolites of pharmaceutical  importance, Enzyme engineering and designing of new biocatalyst,  Enhancement of catalytic proficiency and specificity of enzymes for a given enzymatic activity,  Cloning, expression, mutagenesis studies, Bioinformatics, Structure/Function  studies and modelling of different microbial enzymes, Application of enzymes in various field for applied purposes.

Research Intrest

Microbial production of industrially important metabolites with special focus on enzymes and metabolites of pharmaceutical  importance, Enzyme engineering and designing of new biocatalyst,  Enhancement of catalytic proficiency and specificity of enzymes for a given enzymatic activity,  Cloning, expression, mutagenesis studies, Bioinformatics, Structure/Function  studies and modelling of different microbial enzymes, Application of enzymes in various field for applied purposes

List of Publications
 Shah A.S, Ahmed M, Alkreathy H.A, Khan M.R, Khan R.A and Khan S. Phytochemical screening and protective effects of Trifolium alexandrinum (L.) against free radical induced stress in rats. J Food Sci Nutr. 2014,  2:6 (751–757).
Hassan M, Mehmood S, Khan N, Khan A, Khan R and Khan S. Antioxidant evaluation of methanolic extract of Tamarix aphylla and Euphorbia helioscopia. IJAR.2014, 2: 9 (62-65).
Sajjad  W, Mehmood TB, Hasan F, Khan S, Badshah M, Naseem AA and  Shah1 AA. Characterization of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria isolated from acid mine drainage and black shale samples. Pak. J. Bot Pak. J. Bot. 2016, 48(3): 1253-1262.