Principal Investigator
Cellular and Systems Neurobiology
The Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante
Degree: Degree in Physics from Universitat de València 1981. Ph.D program: PhD in Physics from the Universidad de Alicante, December 1987. Dissertation supervised by Prof.Bernat Soria. Posdoctoral Positions: Laboratory of Prof. Rick Matteson, Biophysics Department. University of Maryland at Baltimore; and Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory (1989-1992). Previous positions: Assistant Professor of Medical Physics (1982-1984) Universitat de València. Assitant Professor of Physiology (1985-1992) Universidad de Alicante. Current Position: Titular Professor in the Department of Physiology at UMH and researcher at Instituto de Neurociencias – Sant Joan d’Alacant.
Research Fields: Biophysics of ionic channels. Neuronal nicotinic receptors.