Salvador Martínez Pérez

Principal Investigator
Developmental Neurobiology
The Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante

Professor Neurology

Degree: Graduated in Medicine by the University of Murcia in June of 1985. Extraordinary award of degree course 1984-1985. Ph.D program: - Doctor in Medicine (M.D.) by the University of Murcia (November 30, 1987) Extraordinary doctorate award course 1986-87. - Doctoral thesis directed by Prof. Luis Puelles López in the Faculty of Medicine of Murcia in the Department of Morphological Sciences between (1985-1987). Posdoctoral Positions: - Laboratory of Prof. Constantino Sotelo and Rosa Magda Alvarado Mallart. Unit 106 of INSERM, Hospital de la Salpetriere, (1988-1990) - Laboratory of Prof. John Rubenstein, Nina Ireland Neurogenetics Lab, UCSF, San Francisco, United States, (1994-1995). Previous positions: - Scholarship for Research Staff of the MEC in Spain for the 1986-1987 academic year. - Postdoctoral Scholarship for Teacher Training and Research Personnel Abroad for the 1987-88 academic year. - Scholarship of Doctors and Technologists of the MEC for the years 1989-91. - NATO Type C scholarship. San Francisco (1994). - NIH Fogarty Grant. San Francisco (1995). - Titular Professor of Medical School in the University of Murcia (1991-2000). - Titular Professor of Medical School in Miguel Hernández University (2000-2004). - Full Professor. University of Murcia between April and October 2004. - Full Professor. Miguel Hernández University since October 2004 up to now. Current Position: - Full Professor University Miguel Hernandez. - Researcher at the Institute of Neurosciences, UMH-CSIC. - Director of the Laboratory of Experimental Embryology of the Institute of Neurosciences, UMH-CSIC. - Director of the Institute of Neurosciences, 2016

Research Intrest

Research Fields: - Development and morphogenesis of the central nervous system of vertebrates. Study specially focused on molecular control of development and its cellular implications in the normal and pathological formation of the brain. - Development of advanced therapies in neurodegenerative and mental diseases.

List of Publications
Cruz-Martinez P , González-Granero S, Molina-Navarro MM, Pacheco-Torres J, García-Verdugo JM, Geijo-Barrientos E, Jones J, Martinez S. " Intraventricular injections of mesenchymal stem cells activate endogenous functional remyelination in a chronic demyelinating murine model. " Cell Death Dis . ;7:e2223 , doi - 10.1038/cddis.2016.130 ( 2016 ) Jones J , Estirado A, Redondo C, Pacheco-Torres J, Sirerol-Piquer MS, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Martinez S " Mesenchymal stem cells improve motor functions and decrease neurodegeneration in ataxic mice. " Mol Ther . doi , 10.1038/mt.2014.143 - ( 2014 ) Martinez-Ferre, A. , Navarro-Garberi, M., Bueno, C., Martinez, S. " Wnt signal specifies the intrathalamic limit and its organizer properties by regulating Shh induction in the alar plate. " Journal of Neuroscience . 33(9) , 3967 - 398 ( 2013 ) Reiner, O. , Cahana, A., Escámez T. And Martínez, S. " LIS1- no more no less. " Mol Psychiatry. . 7(1) , 12 - 16 ( 2002 ) Martínez, S. , Crossley, P.H., Cobos, I., Rubenstein, J.L.R , Martin, G.R. " FGF-8 induces an isthmic organizer and isthmocerebellar development in the caudal forebrain via a repressive effect on Otx2 expression”. " Development . 126 , 1189 - 1200 ( 1999 )