Saheem Ahmad

Junior Associate Professor
Department of Biosciences
Integral University

Professor Biochemistry

His research team primarily focuses in immunology, biochemistry and cell biology of rare non-enzymatic glycation reaction. The glycation has severe pathophysiological significance in diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer and neurological disorders. The role of intracellular glycation in cancer state of the disease is very rare and uncommon and is a new target for the prevention of cancer. He is also working on the AGEs-RAGEs interaction (signaling) which activates several pathways including NF-B, IFN- and IL-6 and results in the generation of reactive oxygen species.He lead multi-disciplinary team, working in the field of disease mechanisms - particularly in the study of damage to the proteome by glycation, oxidation and nitration. Major themes of his research are (i) Proteomics of protein damage, Innovative analytical techniques to study protein glycation, oxidation and nitration in ageing and disease. (ii) Dysfunctional lipoprotein metabolism - studying damage to lipoproteins in obesity, diabetes and ageing and risk of atherosclerosis. (iii) Protein damage in arthritis, Biomarker discovery for early-stage diagnosis. (iv) Glycation of intracellular proteins in cancer initiation and progression. (v) A novel nanoconjugation approach to stop the menace of the glycation reaction.

Research Intrest

Biochemistry and Intermediary metabolism, Free Radical Biochemistry, Biophysical Techniques, Enzymology, Immunology

List of Publications
Ahmad Saheem, Akhter F, Shahab U, Moinuddin, Khan MS (2013) Studies on Glycation of Human Low Density Lipoprotein: A functional insight into Physico-chemical analysis. Int. J. Biol. Macro. 62:167-71
Danish I, Khan MS, Mohd Sajid K, Ahmad Saheem, Srivastava AK (2013) An In Vitro and Molecular Informatics Study to Evaluate the Antioxidative and β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitory Property of Ficus virens Ait. Phytotherapy Research. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5077
Raheem M, Iram S, Mohd K, Khan MS, Shukla AR et al.(2013) Glycation-assisted synthesized gold nanoparticles inhibit growth of bone cancer cells Colloid and Surfaces

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry