Saeed-ul-Hassan Khan

Assistant Professor
Animal Sciences
Quaid-i-Azam University

Professor Microbiology

Saeed-ul-Hassan Khan obtained his post-graduation degree from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan and Ph.D. from University of Leicester, UK. He currently holds as an Assistant Professor in Department of Animal Sciences at Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. His Research interest follows Microbial diseases of livestock and humans, General Microbiology, Molecular Cell Biology.

Research Intrest

Microbial diseases of livestock and humans, General Microbiology, Molecular Cell Biology

List of Publications
 Tariq AR, Shahab M, Clarke IJ, Pereira A, Smith JT, Khan SU, Sultan J, Javed S, Anwar T (2013). Kiss1 and Kiss1 receptor expression in the rhesus monkey testis: a possible local regulator of testicular function. Cent Eur J Biol 8 (10): 968-974 
Waseeullah R, Zahur AB, Latif A, Dasti JI, Zahra R, Khan SU (2015). Mild Form of Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus (PPRV) in Pakistan. Pakistan J Zool 47 (1): 276-279
Shamas S, Khan SU, Shahab M (2015). Expression of Kisspeptin (Kiss1), Kisspeptin Receptor (Kiss1r), NMDA Receptor Subunit (NR1) and GABA Catalysing Enzyme (GAD67) Genes in the Hypothalamus of Male Rhesus Macaque: Correlative Changes with Seasonal Breeding. Acta Endo (Buc) 11 (1): 18-25