
Ryan J McAleer,Research Geologist Northeast Region

Research Intrest

fracture (geologic) folding (geologic) geochemistry tectonic processes deformation (geologic)

List of Publications
McAleer, R.J., Merschat, A.J., Kunk, M. J., and Wintsch, R.P., 2012, Open system development of fabrics in the Partridge Formation, Alstead, NH, NE GSA.
Merschat, A.J., McAleer, R.J., and Walsh, G.J., Structural and thermochronologic evolution of the Fall Mountain Klippe and Alstead Dome, Bronson Hill Anticlinorium, NH-VT, NE GSA.
McAleer, R.J., Walsh, G.J., Kunk, M. J., and Wintsch, R.P., 2013, Carboniferous overprinting relationships in the Ammonoosuc amphibolites of the Monroe Thrust Sheet, North Hartland Quadrangle, VT-NH, NE GSA.