Assistant Professor
Management & Organisation
National University of Singapore


PhD, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA, 2010 MSc, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2005 BBA, Jimei University, Xiamen, China, 2000

Research Intrest

Social Networks Social Capital Newcomer Socialization Workplace Interpersonal Aggression Entrepreneurship Organizational Justice

List of Publications
Employee-organization exchange relations, HRM practices, and quit rates of good and poor performers, with Shaw, JD, Dineen BR and Vellela, R (2009), Academy of Management Journal, 52, 1016-1033
Effects of customer feedback level and (in)consistency on new product acceptance in the click-and-motar context, with Yao, E, Dineen BR and Yao, X (2009), Journal of Business Research, 62, 1281-1288
The organizational socialization process: Review and development of a social capital model, with Duffy, MK and Shaw, JD (2011), Journal of Management, 37, 127-152
Bringing political skill into social networks: Findings from a field study of entrepreneurs, with Chi, L, Chen, M and Baron, RA (2015), Journal of Management Studies, 52, 175-212
Integrating personality and social networks: A meta-analysis of personality, network position, and work outcomes in organizations, with Landis B, Zhang Z, Anderson MH, Shaw JD and Kilduff M (2015), Organization Science, 26, 1243-1260

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management