Rodney Fitzsimons

Associate Professor
Trent University


B.A. in Classics, Ancient Studies (Toronto), Ph.D. in Classical (Bronze Age) Archaeology (Cincinnati) Prof. Fitzsimons specializes in the archaeology of the Bronze Age Aegean and Early Iron Age Greece, with a particular focus on monumental architecture, early state formation, funerary practices, acculturation and identity. He has participated in a number of archaeological projects in Albania and Greece, including excavations at Kommos, Mallia and Midea; since 2002, he has served as the site architect for the Azoria Project excavations at Azoria, Crete, and since 2009, he has been co-director of the Ayia Irini Northern Sector Archaeological Project, based at Ayia Irini on the island of Kea (Greece). Prof. Fitzsimons has been a member of the Department of Ancient History & Classics since 2004 and has taught courses on the archaeology of the ancient Mediterranean (the Greek and Roman worlds, the Bronze Age Aegean, Iron Age Greece and ancient Athens), literature and ancient Greek; he has also led archaeological field schools at Azoria (2005, 2006, and 2014) and Ayia Irini (2010). Prior to his arrival at Trent, Rodney taught at Miami University of Ohio and Iowa State University, and was the Jacob Hirsch Fellow at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. In 2014-15, Prof. Fitzsimons will be teaching: AHCL 1401H-FA: The Trojan War I: The Illiad AHCL 1402H-WI: The Trojan War II: The Odyseey and the Aeneid AHCL 2205H-FA: Archaeology & Art History of Ancient Greece AHCL 4002H-WI: Urbanisation & State Formation in Archaic Crete: The Case of Azoria GREK 2000H-FA: Intermediate Greek I

Research Intrest

archaeology of the Bronze Age Aegean and Early Iron Age Greece, with a particular focus on monumental architecture, early state formation, funerary practices, acculturation and identity.

List of Publications
R. D. FITZSIMONS. In Press. “Urbanization and the Emergence of the Greek Polis: The Case of Azoria, Crete.” In Making Ancient Cities: Studies of the Production of Space in Early Urban Environments, edited by A. Creekmore and K. D. Fisher, 288-338. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
R. D. FITZSIMONS. 2011. “Laying Claim to the Land: Tholos Tombs as Markers of Symbolic Ownership in the Bronze Age Argolid.” In An Archaeology of Land Ownership, edited by Maria Relaki and Despina Catapoti, 12. London: Routledge.
R. D. FITZSIMONS and E. Gorogianni. 2011. “The Northern Sector: Pedagogy, Collegiality, Research, and Publication.” Kea Newsletter 2010: 4.
G. Walberg, E. Markou and R. D. FITZSIMONS. 2007. “The Architecture.” In Midea: The Megaron Complex and Shrine Area. Excavations on the Lower Terraces 1994-1997, edited by G. Walberg, 61-90. (Prehistory Monographs 20). Philadelphia: The Institute for Aegean Prehistory Academic Press.
R. D. FITZSIMONS. 2007. “Architecture and Power in the Bronze Age Argolid.” In Power and Architecture: Monumental Public Architecture in the Bronze Age Near East and Aegean. Proceedings of the international conference "Power and Architecture" organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, the Université Catholique de Louvain and the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster on the 21st and 22nd of November 2002, edited by J. Bretschneider, J. M. Driessen and K. Van Lerberghe, 93-116. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 156). Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
R. D. FITZSIMONS. “Monumental Architecture and the Construction of the Mycenaean State.” In State Formation in Greece and Italy: Questioning the Neoevolutionist Paradigm, edited by N. Terrenato and D. C. Haggis, 75-118. Oxford: Oxbow.
D.C. Haggis, M.S. Mook, R.D. FITZSIMONS, C.M. Scarry, L.M.Snyder and W.C. West. 2011. “Excavations in the Archaic Civic Buildings at Azoria in 2005-2006.” Hesperia 80: 1-70.
D.C. Haggis, M.S. Mook, R.D. FITZSIMONS, C.M. Scarry and L.M.Snyder. 2011. “The Excavation of Archaic Houses at Azoria in 2005-2006.” Hesperia 80: 431-489.
R.D. FITZSIMONS. 2011. “Monumental Architecture and the Construction of the Mycenaean State.” In State Formation in Italy and Greece: Questioning the Neoevolutionist Paradigm, edited by N. Terrenato and D.C. Haggis, 75-118. Oxford: Oxbow.
R.D. FITZSIMONS. 2014. “Urbanization and the Emergence of the Greek Polis: The Case of Azoria, Crete.” In Making Ancient Cities: Studies of the Production of Space in Early Urban Environments, edited by A. Creekmore and K.D. Fisher, 288-338. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
R.D. FITZSIMONS. 2014. “An Energetic(s) Approach to Late Helladic Tomb Construction: Funerary Architecture and State Formation at Bronze Age Mycenae.” In Meditations on the Diversity of the Built Environment in the Aegean Basin and Beyond. Proceedings of a Colloquium in Memory of Frederick E. Winter, Athens 22-23 June 2012, edited by D.W. Rupp and J. Tomlinson, 83-120. Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece 8. Athens: Canadian Institute in Greece
E. Gorogianni, J. Cutler, and R.D. FITZSIMONS. 2015. “Something Old, Something New: Non-Local Brides as Catalysts for Cultural Exchange at Ayia Irini, Kea?” In Nostoi: Indigenous Cultures, Migration and Integration in the Aegean Islands and Western Anatolia during the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age. Proceedings of an International Conference Held at the Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey, March 31-April 3, 2011, edited by N. Stampolidis, Ç. Maner, and K. Kopanias, 889-921. Istanbul: Koç University Press.