Rod Hunt

Clinical Sciences
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute


Associate Professor Rod Hunt studied Clinical Epidemiology at the Unversity of Sydney, followed by PhD in field of Neonatal Neuro-endocrinology. He was supervised by Professors Terrie Inder and Lex Doyle.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Olischar M, Palmer GM, Orsini F, Davidson AJ, Perkins EJ, Lee KJ, Everest NJ, Cranswick NE, Hunt RW. The addition of tramadol to the standard of IV acetaminophen and morphine infusion for postoperative analgesia in neonates offers no clinical benefit: a randomized placebo‐controlled trial. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2014 Nov 1;24(11):1149-57.
Greaves RF, Pitkin J, Ho CS, Baglin J, Hunt RW, Zacharin MR. Hormone Modelling In Preterm Neonates: Establishment Of Pituitary And Steroid Hormone Reference Intervals. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 2015 Jun 1;53:S797.