Hill K, RS Walker, M Bozicevic, J Eder, T Headland, B Hewlett, AM Hurtado, F Marlowe, P Wiessner, B Wood. Co-residence patterns in hunter-gatherer societies show unique human social structure. Science 331:1286-1289 2011
Walker RS, LA Ribeiro. Bayesian phylogeography of the Arawak expansion in lowland South America. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 278:2562-2567 2011
Walker RS, KR Hill, MV Flinn, RM Ellsworth. Evolutionary history of hunter-gatherer marriage practices. PLoS ONE 6:e19066 2011
Hamilton MJ, O Burger, RS Walker. Human Ecology, in Metabolic Ecology: A Scaling Approach. Eds RM Sibly, A Kodric-Brown & JH Brown. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 248-257 2011
Wichmann S, EW Holman, T Rama, RS Walker. Correlates of reticulation in linguistic phylogenies. Language Dynamics & Change 1:205-240 Robert S. Walker Email: [email protected] Website: anthropology.missouri.edu/people/walker.html Database for Indigenous Cultural Evolution: DICE.missouri.edu 2 2012
Walker RS, S Wichmann, T Mailund, CJ Atkisson. Cultural phylogenetics of the Tupi language family in lowland South America. PLoS ONE 7:e35025 2012
Walker RS, DH Bailey. Body counts in lowland South American violence. Evolution & Human Behavior 34:29-34 2012 Bailey DH, MJ Hamilton, RS Walker. Latitude, population size, and the language-farming dispersal hypothesis. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14: 1057-1067 2012
PLoS ONE 8: e59325 2013 Walker RS, S Beckerman, MV Flinn, M Gurven, CR von Rueden, KL Kramer, RD Greaves, L Córdoba, D Villar, EH Hagen, JM Koster, L Sugiyama, TE Hunter, KR Hill. Living with kin in lowland horticultural societies.Current Anthropology 54:96-103 2013
Bailey DH, RS Walker, GE Blomquist, KR Hill, AM Hurtado, DC Geary. Heritability and fitness correlates of personality in the Ache, a natural-fertility population in Paraguay.2013
Walker RS. Human residence patterns, in Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Eds R Scott & S Kosslyn. Sage Publications, pp.2015