Robert I. Bell

Business Management
Brooklyn College
United Kingdom


Robert Bell, chairman, Department of Finance and Business Management, is the author of The Green Bubble - Waste Into Wealth: The New Energy Revolution (New York: Abbeville Press, 2008; originally published by Editions Scali, Paris, 2006; French edition, La bulle verte (Paris: Editions Scali, 2007)). He was the featured speaker at the Fast 50 awards ceremony at the Paris Bourse, November 2007; and the inaugural speaker, the HEC-Deloitte Club of Energy and Finance, La Maison des Polytechniciens, Paris, November 2007. He was the green keynote speaker at the international real estate congress, MIPIM, Cannes, March 2009. He was a keynote speaker at the G20, Seoul, Korea on Nov. 9, 2010. He proposed Green Redemption Funds to finance the transition to renewable energy. Bell's previous books include Beursbedrog (Amersterdam: De Arbeiderspers, 2003); Les peches capitaux de la haute technologie (Paris: Seuil, 1998); and Impure Science (New York: Wiley, 1992).

Research Intrest

Green investment, transition out of fossil fuels, role of conflicts of interest in financial markets, high-tech civilian and/or military mega-projects, science fraud.

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management