Robert D. Rafal

Clinical Neuroscience and Neuropsychology
Bangor University
United Kingdom

Professor Neurology

Robert D. Rafal is a Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and Neuropsychology School of Psychology Adeilad Brigantia United Kingdom. Robert D. Rafal done is BA University of Delaware, Newark, MD Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia MRCP, FLSW

Research Intrest

Dr. Robert D. Rafal is a neurologist with a special interest in the rehabilitation of people whose behavior and mental life has been disrupted by disease of the brain. My research has been driven by the need to understand the plight of the patients under my care. The goal of my lab is to understand how phylogenetically older subcortical circuits mediating vision and eye movements are integrated with the cerebral cortex to provide a continuity of perceptual experience and coherent behaviour, how disintegration of these dynamic interactions contribute to disability in after brain injury, and how re-organisation of these circuits permits recovery. More recently my research has employed diffusion imaging tractography to investigate subcortical pathways that contribute to the processing of visual stimuli triggering emotional responses like fear and disgust. Our research employs neuroimaging methods to analyze brain lesions in patients, and connectivity between brain areas in health and disease, as well as non-invasive brain stimulation experiments.

List of Publications
Rafal RD. Oculomotor functions of the parietal lobe: Effects of chronic lesions in humans. Cortex. 2006 Dec 31;42(5):730-9.
Rafal B. Seeing is a verb. British Journal of Psychology. 2010 May 1;101(2):207-12.
Rafal RD, Koller K, Bultitude JH, Mullins P, Ward R, Mitchell AS, Bell AH. Connectivity between the superior colliculus and the amygdala in humans and macaque monkeys: virtual dissection with probabilistic DTI tractography. Journal of neurophysiology. 2015 Sep 1;114(3):1947-62.