Robert A Eckstein

Biology and Animal Science
Warren Wilson College
United States of America


Robert A Eckstein is DVM / PhD holder in Applied Animal Behavior from Colorado State / U. of California, Davis. Courses Robert A Eckstein Teach: Animals and Society

Research Intrest

Biology and Animal Science, Animal Behavior

List of Publications
Eckstein RA (1996) Management of Problem Fears and Phobias of Dogs, in, Dog Behavior and Training. [Ackerman, Landsberg, Hunthausen, Eds], T. F. H. Publications, NJ.
Neilson J, Eckstein RA, and Hart BL (1997) Effects of castration on behavior problems in male dogs with reference age and duration of behavior. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 211: 180-182.
Hart BL, Eckstein RA (1998) Progestins: indications for male typical problem behaviors. in, Psychopharmacology of Animal Behavior Disorders. [Dodman, Schuster, Eds], Blackwell Science.
Eckstein RA, Hart BL (1998) Pharmacologic approaches to urine marking in cats. in, Psychopharmacology of Animal Behavior Disorders. [Dodman, Schuster, Eds], Blackwell Science.
Eckstein RA, Hart BL (2000) Grooming and control of fleas in cats. Applied Animal Behavioural Science 68: 141-150.
Eckstein RA, BL Hart (2000) The organization and control of grooming in cats. Applied Animal Behavioural Science 68: 131-140.