Robert A Cribbie

Department of Psychology
York University
United States of America

Professor Psychiatry

Robert A Cribbie is professor at York University. And he teaches Quantitative Methods Area. He has completed his PhD in Quantitative Psychology from University of Manitoba . Dr. Robert A Cribbie has authored and co-authored various articles and various books. His current research is in robust statistical analyses for analyzing psychological data, including equivalence testing, nonparametric statistics, multiple comparisons and the measurement of change.

Research Intrest

Cribbie research centers around robust statistical analyses for analyzing psychological data, including equivalence testing, nonparametric statistics, multiple comparisons and the measurement of change

List of Publications
Van Wieringen K and Cribbie R A (2014) Robust normative comparison tests for evaluating clinical significance. British . Br J Math Stat Psychol 67:213-30.
Smith C , and Cribbie R A (2014) Factorial ANOVA with unbalanced data: A fresh look at the types of sums of squares. J Data Sci 12.
Counsell A and Cribbie R A (2015) Equivalence tests for comparing correlation and regression coefficients. British. Br J Math Stat Psychol 68:292-09