Riccardo Dalla-Favera

Pathology and Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Immunology

"Riccardo Dalla-Favera, is a Professor at Pathology & Cell Biology with research interest The development of many types of cancer is due to genetic lesions involving proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. It is well established that multiple lesions must occur in a cell before cancer can develop. The general goal of this laboratory is to identify the lesions and the genes involved in the development of human B cell lymphoma, to determine the mechanism by which these lesions occur and to elucidate the contribution of each lesion to tumor development using mouse models."

Research Intrest

Microbiology & Immunology

List of Publications
Dominguez-Sola D, Dalla-Favera R(2012)Burkitt Lymphoma:Much More than MYC. Cancer Cell 22:141-142
Compagno M, Lim WK, Grunn A, Nandula SV, Brahmachary M, et al.(2009)Pasqualucci L. Mutations of multiple genes cause deregulation of NF-kappaB in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Nature 459:717-721.
Basso K, Sumazin P, Morozov P, Schneider C, Maute RL, et al.(2009)Identification of the human mature B cell miRNome. Immunity 30:744-752