Renata Pardini Graduated as a biologist from the University of São Paulo, holds a PhD in Zoology from the University of São Paulo and a postdoctoral degree in Ecology from the same university. She is currently a professor at the Department of Zoology of the Institute of Biosciences at the University of São Paulo. Her line of research focuses on the study of mammalian communities, especially the effects of anthropic changes in micro-habitat, habitat and landscape scales on these communities in the Atlantic Forest. Their work has aimed to contribute to the understanding of the patterns of distribution, abundance and diversity of small non-flying mammals between anthropogenic habitats, between stages of forest regeneration and between landscapes with different degrees of fragmentation and types of spatial configuration. He also worked with self-ecology of large mammal species and with the effect of hunting on the community structure of these animals. She works in the areas of natural history, community ecology and conservation biology.
The effects of anthropic changes in micro-habitat, Habitat and landscape scales on these communities in the Atlantic Forest.