Renata A. Zvyagilskaya

Laboratory of Biological Oxidation
AN Bach Institute of Biochemistry
Russian Federation

Professor Biochemistry

Structure, functions, biogenesis and regulation of activity of mitochondria and peroxisomes of low eukaryotes (yeasts and fungi), as well as the role of these organelles in cellular metabolism. Our special emphasis is placed on study of energy metabolism (at cellular and mitochondrial levels) of yeast-extremophiles inhabiting extreme environments. For this purpose, we have isolated the unique yeast strains, which can grow in the wide range of pH values (pH 2.5-9.7), in the presence of high salinity (up to 12% NaCl) or at relatively high (50oC) temperature. Their study would permit to reveal the extremes (temperature, pH values, salt concentrations), at which the mitochondrial eukaryotic system of oxidative phosphorylation is still functioning, as well as roles of mitochondria in cell adaptation to extreme conditions.

Research Intrest

1. Structure, functions, biogenesis and regulation of activity of mitochondria and peroxisomes of low eukaryotes (yeasts and fungi), as well as the role of these organelles in cellular metabolism. Our special emphasis is placed on study of energy metabolism (at cellular and mitochondrial levels) of yeast-extremophiles inhabiting extreme environments. For this purpose, we have isolated the unique yeast strains, which can grow in the wide range of pH values (pH 2.5-9.7), in the presence of high salinity (up to 12% NaCl) or at relatively high (50oC) temperature. Their study would permit to reveal the extremes (temperature, pH values, salt concentrations), at which the mitochondrial eukaryotic system of oxidative phosphorylation is still functioning, as well as roles of mitochondria in cell adaptation to extreme conditions. 2. Identification, purification, properties of nonconvential molybdenum-free nitrate reductases from microorganisms-extremophiles.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry