Renae Chesnut

Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Clinical Sciences
Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
United States of America

Professor Clinical Research

Dr. Renae Chesnut is the Dean of Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Her teaching philosophy describes motivation to influence students and practitioners in their development. Dr. Chesnut believes that this is an exciting time in pharmacy with a number of potential opportunities and challenges. Regardless of practice setting, she wants to serve practitioners by providing them with the inspiration, ideas, and tools so that they can advance their own practices.

Research Intrest

Professionalization of Students; Effectiveness of Diabetes Education Programs; Predictability of Admission Criteria

List of Publications
Duncan W, Bottenberg M, Chase M, Chesnut R, Clarke C, et al. (2015) Toward Cost Containment of Pharmacy Education: An Industrial Engineering Approach. American J Pharma Educ 79: 131.
Chesnut R, Batten J (2016) Excellence in Academic Mentoring and Advising: A Faculty Development Approach, American J Pharma Educ 80: S2.