Rebecca Garabed

Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Food Animal Health Research Program, OARDC
United States of America


She had done her BS, Animal Bioscience from Penn State University and VMD, Food Animal Medicine from University of Pennsylvania. She had done her Master of Preventive Veterinary Medicine from  University of California, Davis and PhD, Epidemiology from University of California, Davis. At present she is Associate Professor at The Ohio State University.

Research Intrest

Infectious disease modeling International disease surveillance and control Expert opinion data and Bayesian statistics

List of Publications
R.B. Garabed, W.O. Johnson, J. Gill, A.M. Perez, and M.C. Thurmond. (2008) Exploration of Associations between Governance and Economics and Country-Level Foot-and-Mouth-Disease Status Using Bayesian Model Averaging, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (A). 171(3):699-722
N. Xiao, S. Cai, M. Moritz, R. Garabed, and L.W. Pomeroy. (2015) Spatial and temporal characteristics of pastoral mobility in the Far North Region, Cameroon: Data analysis and modeling. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0131697. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0131697
J. M. Healy Profitós, A. Mouhaman, S. Lee, R. Garabed, M. Moritz, B. Piperata, J. Tien, M. Bisesi, and J. Lee. (2014) Muddying the waters: A new area of concern for drinking water contamination in Cameroon. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health . 11:12454-12472. doi:10.3390/ijerph111212454
A. Ludi, Z. Ahmed, L. W. Pomeroy, S. J. Pauszek, G. R. Smoliga, M. Moritz, S. Dickmu, S. Abdoulkadiri, J. Arzt, R. Garabed, L. L. Rodriguez. (2014) Serotype diversity of foot-and-mouth-disease virus in livestock without history of vaccination in the Far North Region of Cameroon. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases . doi:10.1111/tbed.12227
R.B. Garabed, A.M. Perez, W.O. Johnson, and M.C. Thurmond. (2009) Use of expert opinion for animal disease decisions: An example of foot-and-mouth disease status designation. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 92:20-30.