R. Jason Brunt

Assistant Professor
Biola University
United States of America

Professor Psychiatry

Dr. Brunt's research interests include various issues in cognitive development, including early language development and the development of symbol use in infancy. In 2008, he is constructing an infant studies laboratory at Biola to study early labeling and categorization in children under the age of 2 years.Dr. Brunt teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in developmental psychology, statistics and methodology.

Research Intrest

Understanding of symbols from a cognitive point of view and an understanding of symbols from a theological point of view

List of Publications
Brunt, R. J. & Cohen, L. B. Tracking attentional and labeling influences on looking behavior of 13- and 18-months olds. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies 2006.
Brunt, R. J. & Cohen, L. B. Novelty and labeling influences on infant looking behavior in a categorization task. Poster presented at Armadillo: The Southwest Cognition Conference 2006.
Cohen, L. B. & Brunt, R. J. (2009). Early word learning and categorization: methodological issues and recent empirical evidence. In J. Colombo, P. McCardle & L. Freund (Eds.) Infant Pathways to Language: Methods, Models, and Research Directions. Mawwaw, Le. E. Erlbaum, 2009.