Quyen Aoh

Assistant Professor
Gannon University
United States of America


Worked as a Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Elon University, Elon, NC (2012-2013) Postdoctoral Research Associate with Dr. Mara Duncan, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2009-2012), Now working as an Assistant Professor of Biology, Department of Biology, Gannon University, Erie, PA. Ph.D., in Cell Biology, from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA; Dissertation:"Regulation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Trafficking by Secretory Carrier Membrane Protein 3" Advisor: Dr. David Castle; 2009 B.S., Biology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg VA; 2000. She taught Courses Genetics,Genetics Laboratory,Human Genetics,Molecular and Cellular Biology.

Research Intrest

Thier lab is focuses on the molecular mechanisms of how membrane traffic is dysregulated in human diseases such as cancer, neurodegenertive disorders, and diabetes. We use mammalian tissue culture cells and the small eukaryotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to explore how changes in membrane traffic affect cell survival and metabolism.

List of Publications
Aoh QL, Castle A, Hubbard CH, Katsumata O, Castle JD (2009) SCAMP3 negatively regulates epidermal growth factor receptor degradation and promotes receptor recycling. Mol Biol Cell 20: 1816-1832.
Aoh QL, Graves LM, Duncan MC (2011)Glucose regulates clathrin adaptors at the TGN and endosomes. Mol Biol Cell 22: 3671-3683.
Aoh QL, Hung C, Payne G, Joglekar A, Duncan MC (2012) Adaptor autoregulation promotes coordinated binding within the clathrin coat. J of Biol Chem 287: 17398-17407.