Professor Indrawati Oey

Head of Department, Professor
Food science
Otago University
New Zealand

Professor Food and Nutrition

Her research focuses on the development of smart processing strategies using conventional and advanced food technologies to create healthier food products with unique sensory characteristics. Understanding mechanisms and kinetics of enzymatic and chemical reactions during processing and shelf life is a pre-requisite to assure the quality of food products. Also understanding consumer perception and acceptance of food products and processing technologies used are essential to achieve sustainable production and marketability of food products.

Research Intrest

Food enzymes Conventional and advanced thermal food processing technologies Non-thermal food processing technologies e.g. high (hydrostatic) pressure, pulsed electric field, cold plasma, pulsed light. Kinetic modeling and process impact assessment Postharvest Innovation Bioavailability and bioactivity of secondary metabolites Consumer perception Technology transfer and dissemination to industrial food applications

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition