Prof. Dr. Nasim Ahmad

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences


Prof. Dr. Nasim Ahmad graduated in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) in 1981 and received his Master’s degree (MSc Hons) in Animal Reproduction in 1984, from the College of Veterinary Sciences, Lahore and in 1996 PhD in Reproductive Physiology from West Virginia University, USA. Dr. Ahmad is presently Professor (TTS) of Theriogenolgy and Dean Faculty of Life Sciences and Business Management. He earlier served as Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chairman of Department, Director Research, Director External Linkages at the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. His research interests are improving fertility through enhancing post-thaw semen quality and optimizing protocols of estrus synchronization and ovulation. Earlier, he directed male infertility laboratory (for human) in New York. He is credited in introducing the use of ultrasonography in Animal Reproduction research, training and extension in Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Ahmad is author of more than sixty publications in high impact factor journals. He is a regular reviewer for Theriogenology and Animal Reproduction Science. He has won competitive research grants as PI worth more than Rs. 28 million and development projects of more than Rs. 52 million. He has supervised or co-supervised fifty six Master’s and two Doctoral students. He is the current President of Society for Animal Reproduction of Pakistan. He remained Honorary Secretary of Society of Prevention of Cruelty of Animals, Punjab. In recognition of his research work and he has been awarded “PARC Scientist of the year: 1999”, Research Productivity Allowance three times from PCST, ‘Best University Teacher’ Award for the year 2007 from HEC and Sitare-e-Imtiaz 2008, Presidential Civil Award.

Research Intrest

Reproductive Physiology, Andrology, Fertility, Synchronization, Reproductive Ultrasonography

List of Publications
Ahmad N, Ahmad E, Naseer Z, Riaz U, Husnain A. 2013. Effect of Improving Reproductive Management on Dairy Farm Economics) (2013. Buffalo Bulletin32 (special issue 2) 464-467
Sattar A, Qamar AY, Ahmad N. Cholesterol enhances post-thaw semen quality in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) (2013). 10th World Buffalo Congress (Thailand). Buffalo Bulletin 370-374.
ushtaq Ahmad, Rashad Nasrullah, Nasim Ahmad. Effect of cooling rate and equilibration time on pre-freeze and post-thaw survival of buck sperm. Cryobiology (2015). 70: 233–238.
MS Haider, M Hassan, AS Khan, A Husnain, N Ahmad et al. Pregnancy rates after timed insemination following removal of intravaginal progesterone releasing device with or without gonadotropin-releasing hormone in Nili-Ravi buffalo.