prof. dr. ir. Tanja van der Lippe

Social Sciences - Sociology
Utrecht University


Tanja van der Lippe is Professor of Sociology of Households and Employment Relations at the Department of Sociology and Research School (ICS) of Utrecht University, head of the Department of Sociology and research director ICS Utrecht. Her research interests are in the area of work-family linkages in Dutch and other societies, for which she received a number of large scale grants from Dutch and European Science Foundations. She is an elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW, 2014), and of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW, 2013). She has published extensively on work and care of men and women, time use and time pressure in a comparative way, and the position of men and women on the labor market (including supervisory positions) in Western and Eastern European countries.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Treas, J., Van der Lippe, T. & Tai, T. 2011. The happy homemaker? Married women’s well-being in cross-national perspective. Social Forces, 90,111-132.
Van der Lippe, T., Frey, V. & Tsvetkovva, M. 2013. Outsourcing of domestic tasks: A matter of preferences? Journal of Family Issues, 34, 1574-1597.
Van der Lippe, T. 2014. Time Pressure. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer. 6653-6655.