Electronics and Communication Engineering
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology
Received Ph.D. in electronics engineering from IT, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, in 2000. He was associated with CEERI, Pilani, and Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India, respectively, where he was Research Scientist. He was also worked as Asstt. Professor with Nirma University of Science and Tech, Ahmedanad. He was Visiting Researcher at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. At present, he is Professor with Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, India.
Computational Electromagnetics Composite Electromagnetic Materials Millimeter Wave Engineering Microwave Integrated Circuits Antenna Design at THz/Millimeter Wave Frequencies Design and Simulation of THz Components Surface Plasmons and Nanophotonics Photonic Crystal and its Application Advanced Communication Systems (Software Defied Radio/Cognitive Radio) Advanced Spectrum Management OFDM and Channel Estimation High frequency Switch