Ordinary Professors
Insubria University
Barbara Pozzo is Professor of Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Insubria in Como (Italy) since 2001, where she teaches Comparative Legal Systems, Comparative Law and Language and Legal Translation. She is the Coordinator of two initiatives: "Law and Cinema" and "Law and Literature" as a methodology for approaching comparative law for students of other faculties (in particular: for the students of "Cultural and Linguistic Mediation"). She is the Director of the Summer School Program in Comparative Environmental Law, in association with UC Davis Law School, and approved by the American Bar Association. Since 2002 Professor Pozzo is the Director of the Ph.D. Program in Comparative Law at the University of Milan, where he has also served as the Director of the Environmental Law Program (since 2001 and until 2010). She has received her JD from the University of Milan and her Ph.D. degree in Comparative Law from the University of Florence. During her Ph.D. Program, she worked at the Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg, where she translated the "Einführung in die Rechtsvergleichung auf dem Gebiete des Privatrechts" by K. Zweigert and H. Kötz, in Italian , Working together with Prof. Kötz on the new version of the work, which was rendered necessary after the reunification of Germany in 1989. Professor Pozzo has been visiting professor at the University of Hamburg, Montpellier, Louisiana State University, Fordham University, Davis, McGeorge School of Law at Pacific University, William S. Boyd School of Law at Nevada University. During her professional life she has been invited to various international conferences: Fordham University (NY), William S. Boyd University of Nevada (Las Vegas), Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro (Porto Alegre - Brasil), Aix (Denmark), University of Umeå (Sweden), Universität Salzburg (Austria), University of Salzburg (Austria), St. John's College - Oxford and Trinity College - Cambridge (Great Britain), Universidade da Coruña , Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany), University of Malta (Malta), University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands), University of Rijeka (Croatia).